Wednesday 24 August 2016

Chrome apps the will disappear from Windows, Mac and Linux

Google Chrome always focused on its developments associated with the way we use the Internet and the services it provides . Do you want your browser is the gateway to the virtual world and this led to the develop with this in mind . Created the Chrome Apps to give freedom to users and not rely on any installation, but will now end with these applications on Windows, Linux and Mac .
With Chrome OS , Google wanted to create the perfect operating system , independent of installed applications and all accessible through the Internet. I wanted to transpose this reality for other operating systems , but the truth is it did not work .

Chrome Apps The will disappear

According to Google, only 1% of Windows users , Mac or Linux use these applications, which are now mostly Web-based applications and give users access to what can already have with applications. For this reason Google will now end with these Web applications on these operating systems , keeping only supported on Chrome OS , that depends on them to give users access to applications .

How will Chrome Apps disappear ?

Google's schedule is well defined and simple. By the end of the year the new Chrome Apps will now be available only for the Chrome OS. The current will be able to continue to be updated and will remain available to all . Halfway through 2017 the Apps will no longer appear to Windows , Mac and Linux whenever they visit the Chrome app store , with only access to extensions and themes. In 2018 , Chrome , these systems will no longer be able to load these applications. For Google , the Internet mature state and used technology allows to have the freedom to let the developers to create these Web applications , which until now required specific apps for offline access or to connect to specific hardware. They are only focused on Chrome OS, where these apps have an essential role .

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