Wednesday 24 August 2016

Discovered extrasolar planet with favorable conditions to have surface water

Astronomers have discovered an extrasolar planet orbiting the nearest star to the Sun , with favorable conditions to have on its surface liquid water , an essential element for life , today announced the European Southern Observatory (OES ) .

Descoberto planeta extrassolar com condições favoráveis para ter água à superfície

The exoplanet (planet outside our solar system) is called Next and b orbits its star, Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf star every 11 days. The star located in the constellation Centaur, 4.22 Earth light years, is invisible to the naked eye to be small and not very bright, and it is relatively cool. According to a statement from OES, organization of which Portugal is part of the Next b has a mass similar to Earth, only 1.3 times higher than the 'blue planet', is a possible candidate to host life, since has a temperature "suitable for liquid water exists on the surface."

The discovery of the results will be published on Thursday in the journal Nature. The planet, which is very close to its star at a distance less than that which separates the Earth from the Sun, was detected from several telescopes, including OES, Chile. The international team of astronomers, led by Guillem Anglada-Escudé, the British Queen Mary University in London, believes that the existence of liquid water on the Next b, this would be in warmer regions of the planet. The rotation of the b Next, the strong radiation emitted by its star and the history of planet formation make, according to the scientists, their very different climate of the Earth, it is unlikely that the exoplanet has stations.
For astronomers , the planet Next b may serve as a lever for the search for evidence of life elsewhere in the universe sites beyond Earth . One of the scientists involved in the discovery , James Jenkins of the

University of Chile , told that the team plans too " look for evidence of the atmosphere " Next- be, if confirmed its existence , study their composition and " look for traces of water or other molecules , and ultimately life. "

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